As a cultural figure, does he belong on the same list as Horatio Alger, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, Steven Covey, and Oprah Winfrey? 作为一位文化人物,鲍勃•迪伦是否能够跟霍雷肖•阿尔杰、戴尔•卡耐基、托尼•罗宾斯、史蒂芬•柯维以及奥普拉•温弗瑞这些人相提并论?
In fact, Dale Carnegie trains people to offer feedback in a friendly way. 实际上,戴尔卡耐基便培训学员们,要以一种友好的方式提供反馈。
While he was getting his MBA from Columbia University, Buffett said that he was terrified of public speaking, and signed up for a Dale Carnegie class, but changed his mind at the last minute. 巴菲特说,当他在哥伦比亚大学攻读MBA学位时,非常害怕公众演讲,还报名参加了一门戴尔▪卡耐基类的课程,不过最后又改了主意。
Dale Carnegie devotes a major part of How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age to discussing exactly how you can impress people. 戴尔-卡内基致力于研究电子时代如何赢得朋友并影响别人。
An October survey by MSW Research and Dale Carnegie Training found only a mere 29% of employees are fully engaged. MSW研究公司和戴尔-卡耐基培训学校10月份的一项调查显示仅有区区29%的员工会全身心投入工作。
"Men tend to be blunter in the workplace," says Michael Crom, executive vice president at Dale Carnegie Training." It would be nice if they would cushion things a little better. " DaleCarnegieTraining公司的副总裁MichaelCrom说:“职场上的男性比较生硬,如果他们处理事情的时候能够圆滑点就更好了。”
The authors mention that a key principle in Dale Carnegie's 1936 classic How to Win Friends and Influence People was to let people think the idea was theirs. 作者们提到在戴尔卡耐基1936年出版的经典图书《人性的弱点》中的一个关键原则便是让人们相信那个想法是他们的。
Both found a persuasive modern advocate in Dale Carnegie, a teacher of public speaking who decided in 1936 that Americans needed educating more broadly in the fine art of getting along. 两者都在能言善道的时髦鼓吹手DaleCarnegie身上中找得到。作为教授公开演讲的老师,他在1936年断言,美国人需要进行更为宽泛的相处的现代艺术教育。
Dale Carnegie wrote his now-renowned book How to Win Friends and Influence People in1936.This milestone cemented the rapid spread of his core values across the United States. 戴尔卡内基于1936年完成了非常畅销的著作“如何赢得友谊和影响他人”。
China is locked in a Dale Carnegie era, with bookstore shelves dominated by titles purporting to explain how to gain a leg up. 中国进入了戴尔·卡内基时代,书店的书架上满是“教导你如何获得成就的标题”的书籍。
LI: She forced me to memorize the Sample reels of Dale Carnegie. 李:她非让我和她一起背《卡耐基全集》。
Dale Carnegie was born in1888 in Missouri, USA, and was educated at Warrensburg State Teachers College. 戴尔卡内基于1888年在美国密苏里州出生,毕业于沃伦斯堡州立师范学院。
The company sent a group of us to Dale Carnegie to learn the ins and outs of public speaking. 公司派我们一班人去戴尔·卡内基学院学习演说的所有要领。
The best investment I ever made was in the Dale Carnegie Course. 我所做过最好的投资就是参加了戴尔?卡耐基班。